New Jersey Plumber Keeps Amoebas Out of Your Water through Backflow Prevention
To Prevent Backflow, Contact Plumbers 911 Today for Installation

Having safe and healthy water is everyone’s priority. The certified and professionally trained technicians with Plumbers 911 are at your service to prevent any type backflow problems.
There is a danger of disease when there is a threat of backflow issues. With any backflow at all can lower the quality of your water even if not at a disease level. No one wants to consume harmful contaminants in their water. Prevention is the key to clean healthy water.
Besides disease, there is the danger of the high pressure that is behind getting your water safely to your home. This pressure can damage your pipes and may cause physical injuries when not properly maintained. Proper backflow prevention will keep your water pressure at the appropriate safe range. Any water or backflow concerns require the prompt professional attention of a certified technician with the proper experience to handle any and all situations.
A properly installed, tested, and professionally maintained water system with backflow prevention is a must to keep your water usable without any contaminants.
Why Choosing Plumbers 911 Is the Right Choice
Our backflow techs are specially trained to handle all types of backflow designs and models. Setting your mind at ease is our job number one for testing, repair, or a replacement when necessary.
What you should expect and will get from our techs of Plumbers 911:
Experience and up to date training is what our backflow techs bring to the table. We provide professional commercial and residential services throughout your area. Besides being on time for your appointment, our trucks will be fully equipped to handle the situation at hand. Our equipment and supplies are kept up with the latest technology and the most effective and efficient on the market today.
What exactly is Backflow?
Backflow occurs when your water that is supposed to be coming into your home in one direction normally will reverse and thereby create what is called “backflow”. This backflow can allow a potential hazard of contaminants into your drinking water supply. This is what our specially trained technicians are trained to prevent. The designing of water systems vary regarding commercial and residential, but the basic system operation has the same outcome of preventing backflow at all cost. Of course the larger the pipe the more intense the backflow devices are required to keep the water flowing in the correct direction at all times.
There are two ways backflow may occur:
Back-siphonage: which is when there is a reduction in your water pressure. For various reason like maybe a main break that causes the flow of water to slow. Water will follow the least resistance, which in turn will create backflow with possible contaminants.
Back-pressure: this is created when your water system exceeds the pressure in your potable system. This will naturally occur to make up for the loss of water. The potable water system will force the water to reverse its direction. This again can result in contaminants entering your water supply and diminishing your quality of water.
All water systems contain backflow prevention devices that need to be installed correctly and maintained to keep running proficiently. When backflows occur, your equipment is at risk as well for corrosion and possible malfunctioning. Any malfunctions can put you and your family’s health at risk.
Knowing the Requirements and Devices for Prevention

There are usually regulatory requirements for safety precautions, which our experienced backflow techs assure your system is in order. Your water system can produce a lot of pressure that can cause a danger. This is the reason only a certified tech with Plumbers 911 should handle all backflow issues that arise for our customers. This is an area that should never be attempted by homeowners themselves.
After accessing your system our tech will be able to visualize and test your backflow system for accuracy and performance. There are many options and parts that are included in most backflow systems. All include an air gap that is essential as the simplest and effective way to prevent backflow. This is a simple non-mechanical gap of open space between any of the devices that connect to a valve or faucet. The more intricate complicated devices are not in the open and are not as accessible to the average person. It is very important that your system is installed and repaired with only tested and approved backflow devices.
The most familiar device would be the
Hose Bibb Vacuum Breaker. The hose faucet we all have on the end of our water pipe are specially designed as an atmospheric vacuum breaker. This is one example of an AVB (atmospheric vacuum breaker). Usually, the choices of backflow devices will vary pending the use required and the degree of hazard that may be posed for a water system. You can have faith in your backflow prevention tech with Plumbers 911 to repair and maintain your system with the best and safest equipment.
There are other devices that are used, but can be more complicated to understand and best left to the professionals. You have the AVB (
atmospheric vacuum breaker), the check valve, DCVA (double check valve assembly), the PVB (pressure vacuum breaker assembly), RPZ (
reduced pressure zone device), the SPVB (spill resistant pressure vacuum breaker assembly), and the simple vacuum breaker. With all these complicated devices is why our customers rely on our experienced technicians with Plumbers 911 to handle all their watery system issues, especially their backflow prevention equipment.
To ease your mind, a simple call can have your system completely checked for any backflow issues and prevent any future contamination problems. Keeping your family safe and healthy when it comes to their water supply is our number one job. Enjoy clean and fresh water compliments of
Plumbers 911 certified technicians.