Fire Sprinkler Systems Installed by a Bridgewater Plumber Can Save Lives and Properties
Plumbers 911 Bridgewater Can Help Ensure Your Fire Sprinkler Systems Are in Tip Top Shape
More than 80 percent of deaths that occur by fire are in residences that is a lot of people that could have been saved if their homes had, had a
fire sprinkler system installed in them. Even with these high statistics, there is not a mandated-code for new homes being built to add in these life savers. There are

few home-owners that even get to have this option built into their home either.
If they do, however, are able to have one installed in their newly built home, then it is important that it is kept serviced and maintained regularly by a certified technician such as our Bridgewater Plumbers. Our technicians will ensure that your system is working as it should so that your family can sleep soundly knowing that if there is a fire then the system will work to save their lives.
How Does a Fire Sprinkler System Work
Since more and more homes are being built with these life-saving mechanisms then it is only fair to explain how they work.
Sprinkler pipes are installed to your home’s current water lines and under constant pressure, this helps to cut down on response time, making them always “on call”.
When a fire starts the heat rises, once to a certain point the sprinklers will kick on spraying water over the fire, eliminating the flames in some cases completely as well as lowering the amount of toxic smoke until the fire department can arrive and deal with the issue. It is important to note that smoke itself will not activate the system.
You don’t have to worry about the system being bulky and obtrusive, there are some that are tiny and can be concealed, and can also be individually activated as well. Each sprinkler will activate when it is the one nearest to the flames, which helps if it is a localized fire the whole house or room is not doused in water.
Truths and Misconceptions
The main reasons that some homeowners do not have
residential fire protection systems is because they are worried that a head may misfire or that if a room is on fire the whole system will go off. These are just two of the common misconceptions that prevent a homeowner from installing a system. It is however very rare for a head to misfire the odds are 1 in 16 million.

Another misconception is that a sprinkler system that is used in a home, when it goes off will cost more money in water damage than the fire department. Wrong! Most fires only need one sprinkler head to put them out, and use only 15 to 20 gallons a minute in doing so.
This will cost up on average just over $2000 in damages, as it puts the fire out before it grows. However, the fire department may take 15 to 20 minutes to arrive and pumps 250 gallons per minute onto the fire as well as damaging the roof and other parts of the home to put the fire out, depending on where it is. This can cause on the average of up to $45,000 in damage so, which would you rather pay for?
Some states are now requiring new construction or particular remodeling sizes to install residential sprinkler systems as per code. Residents can find out exactly what their codes are when having homes built or remodeled from a certified Bridgewater plumber that they are using.
Types of Fire Sprinkler Systems that Plumbers in Bridgewater Install
There are many types of sprinkler systems, however, there are only two main types of residential sprinkler systems. These two types are stand-alone and
Multi-use systems. Both systems have varying sprinkler heads that each system use however, nearly all of them are heat activated. Others feature a bulb that has a unique liquid in it, that when the liquid inside it reaches a certain temperature the bulb breaks, and sprinkler switches on.
There are still others that may have soldered links that melt and a designated temperature. Larger rooms need at least 2 or more sprinkler heads as a small room only needs one head. Residential are décor-friendly giving them a wide array of design possibilities with the home.
Stand-alone systems may have stagnant water in them as the water does not circulate, depending on the piping used. On the other side, multi-use systems will share the plumbing pipes of the residence allowing the water to circulate, ensuring fresh non-stagnant water to be used when the system is set off. These systems are installed during new home construction and designed specifically for that home. Installing a multi-use system in a remodel can be difficult.
Home fire sprinkler systems also enlist the use of a flow alarm that will go off in the event of a fire. It will sound either outside of the homer and/or alerting the local fire department as well, as being tied to the homes’ security system.
Installations Done by Your Bridgewater Plumbing Techs
Installation of a fire sprinkler system is easiest during a new home build, even though installation into a remodel is doable. Either stand-alone or multi-use systems must be installed by a specialized like ours at Plumbers 911. Time for installation can vary from system to system, and depending on the size and type of project being completed.
Remodels may take longer to get completed than new home installations, as permits may be needed, which can take up to 45 days to acquire. The time frame will also depend on things like crawl spaces, trusses etc. Costs of these sprinkler systems can run upwards of $1.25 per sq. ft. for new installations and $6 per sq ft for remodels.
What Are the Benefits of a Fire Sprinkler System?
There are many benefits to having a residential fire system in the home. They will keep the fire from spreading, the sprinkler closest to the flame is the one that extinguishes the fire. The system gives the residents time to escape from the home, and the rest of the home is protected from heat, smoke and fire damage.
Without a fire system in the home it can be 9-15 minutes before the fire department arrives to put out the fire. Which means smoke, heat and fire damage can spread through the home. If building a new home, or even remodeling then ensure you have a
professional Bridgewater NJ plumber handle the installation, service and maintenance of your system. This ensures it is installed correctly and stays up to code as well as provides protection for your family.