Plumbers 911 | Plumbing Contractor Referral Service | Kitchen Remodel
10 Dec

A guide to kitchen remodeling in Vermont

Are you a Vermont resident thinking about updating your current kitchen? 

Doing so will allow you to set everything up as you have always dreamed — right down to the kitchen sink.

Since the sink is essential to so much that goes on in a kitchen, finding the perfect location is critical to flow and convenience. Here are a few factors to consider when planning where to put the sink for your kitchen remodeling project.

On a budget? Use existing plumbing

If you are remodeling a kitchen on a budget, you will probably want to use the existing plumbing, rather than starting over from scratch. However, this might not be feasible. The original plumbing may not be up to code or the system may not be able to handle adding a dishwasher or an additional sink. 

If you do decide to move or change the existing plumbing, call Plumbers 911 Vermont to be referred to a residential plumber, who can provide you with a quote to perform the work.

Do not forget the lighting

When planning where to install a new kitchen sink, pay close attention to lighting. You will need plenty of light to work safely and to see what you are doing. Natural light from a skylight or window is ideal. You should also consider installing overhead lighting so you have plenty of light in the evening. 

The benefits of two kitchen sinks

If you have the room in your kitchen, you might consider installing two kitchen sinks. This is ideal if you have a large family or you entertain often. One can be a sink for dishes, while the other is for prep work. This setup allows several people to use the kitchen at the same time without being on top of each other. 

The benefits of an island kitchen sink

Placing a sink inside an island has numerous design benefits. It makes conversation with guests or family members easier if they are seated or standing at or around the island. However, dirty dishes in an island sink puts the mess front and center. This problem can be avoided with a cased opening or raised countertop that hides the mess while still keeping the sink in a central location.

Consider the placement of appliances

It is a good idea to design your sink around where you will put your appliances, especially your dishwasher. Ideally, they are placed side by side to make food scraping and dish transfer convenient. You should also have the cabinets placed nearby so it’s easier to put the dishes away when you are done. 

Most kitchens are designed with the kitchen triangle rule in mind, keeping the sink, stove and refrigerator within this triangle. It ensures your working area is practical, comfortable and large enough – but not so large that you spend a lot of time walking from one point and another.

Looking for design experience? Call Plumbers 911 in Vermont!

If you need help designing your kitchen and want to know where to put the sink, call Plumbers 911 Vermont for a referral to one of our experienced residential plumbing contractors who have experience laying out and installing a new kitchen sink.

Plumbers 911 Vermont is a network of qualified plumber contractors ready to help with your kitchen remodel. Call Plumbers 911 and find the best setup for your dream kitchen today!

To all our friends and customers regarding COVID-19

We will get through this together To say we are living in “unprecedented” challenging times would be an understatement. We hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. We would like to list a few pieces of information and websites that we think will be helpful for you during this time.

  • To get the most current information on the COVID-19 virus, please check the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) website at:
  • icon showing hand under faucet with large water droplets falling on hand Please wash your hands frequently. Washing with soap and water for twenty seconds is the preferred method, however when water is not available, please use an alcohol based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • icon of person covering mouth while coughing and a border separating from displeased person close by Practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from another person.
  • For those of you with children that are looking for something fun to do, there are virtual field trips you can take with your kids that are fun and educational. Here is a link:

Plumbers are considered essential workers during this time and we will continue to work as our number one priority is to “protect the health of the nation.” Stay well, stay safe and we will get through this together.

Your Friends at Plumbers 911

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