Outdoor kitchen plumbing
25 Nov

Why you should invest in an outdoor kitchen

Installing an outdoor kitchen in your backyard can make your home the place where everyone wants to hangout.

An outdoor kitchen will allow you to entertain your guests, while not only preparing food, but also enjoying the weather.

Utilizing your outdoor kitchen can improve the inside of your home. Cooking outdoors allows smells and smoke to be released into the open air as opposed to staying inside your home.

Besides being a great entertainment value, outdoor kitchens yield a high return on investment. 

According to Quicken Loans, outdoor kitchens typically yield a 100 to 200 percent return on investment. This is dependant on the materials and appliances installed, as strong stainless steel countertops and appliances make for a more valuable outdoor kitchen because of the durability of the materials.

Besides the appliances and materials used to build your outdoor kitchen, keep in mind patios are also viewed as a valuable return on investment. For many homeowners, the patio the perfect location for their outdoor kitchen. 

According to the National Association of Realtors, a patio typically has just over 100 percent return on investment. Since patios and outdoor kitchens both have over 100 percent return on investment, it is reasonable to invest in them.

The potential to get back at least 100 or 200 percent of your investment in an outdoor kitchen is a big reason to consider them a strong investment. Your yard will become a communal area for your family and neighbors,  as they indulge in good food and friendship. 

Plumbers 911 can refer you to a reliable plumbing contractor in your area, who can help you decide how to get the most value out of an outdoor kitchen. Once your outdoor kitchen is installed, Plumbers 911 can refer you to a contractor to provide maintenance for your outdoor kitchen as well. 

To all our friends and customers regarding COVID-19

We will get through this together To say we are living in “unprecedented” challenging times would be an understatement. We hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. We would like to list a few pieces of information and websites that we think will be helpful for you during this time.

  • To get the most current information on the COVID-19 virus, please check the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) website at: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/factsheets.html
  • icon showing hand under faucet with large water droplets falling on hand Please wash your hands frequently. Washing with soap and water for twenty seconds is the preferred method, however when water is not available, please use an alcohol based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • icon of person covering mouth while coughing and a border separating from displeased person close by Practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from another person.
  • For those of you with children that are looking for something fun to do, there are virtual field trips you can take with your kids that are fun and educational. Here is a link: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner

Plumbers are considered essential workers during this time and we will continue to work as our number one priority is to “protect the health of the nation.” Stay well, stay safe and we will get through this together.

Your Friends at Plumbers 911

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