Having issues with your septic tank? If so, you are at the right place.
However, you and I both know that septic tankisn’t the best topic to talk about but whether you like it or not, you’ll have to be knowledgeable on how to clean septic tanks naturally.
Especially if you are strapped for cash and you are leaning towards the idea of cleaning your septic tank by yourself. You need to DIY the right way and in the most economical way.
The last thing you would want to happen is to have a backed-up waste water coming from your septic system. This can happen anytime especially if your septic tank hasn’t been inspected or maintained for a long time by professionals.
You wouldn’t want odor coming out of your toilet on a Saturday evening with your friends that you’ve invited over for dinner – or worse having backed-up waste water coming out of your toilet, dishwasher, tubs and sinks. That would definitely be a nightmare!
If you know the concept of keeping a healthy digestive system, then you know that we need to take fruits that are high in fiber, food or other supplements with alkaline and probiotics in order to have a clean stomach.
There are also, somethings that we cannot eat since it will just harm our digestive system. Fundamentally, the concept is the same with septic tank care and maintenance. There are measures that we have to consider to avoid problems that may come along the way.
In This Article We Will Be Covering:
- 7 Signs you have a problem with your septic tank
- 5 significant tips to avoid for your septic tank
- Top 4 reasons why you need to maintain your septic tank
- 7 ways to maintain your septic tank the natural way
7 Indications you May Have a Septic Tank Problem
Your septic tank plays a huge role in your household. This collects all waste water that goes down the drain from toilets, sinks, dishwasher, tubs, laundry etc.
However, if this starts to have a problem most of the entire plumbing system will be at risk of breaking down as well.
If you notice slow water going down the drain, gurgling sounds coming from drain and septic pipes, water backing up from the toilet, tub or sink, disgusting odor that comes out of your toilet, tub or sink – These can be indications that you have septic system problems and this might require immediate attention. Otherwise, you might be facing with a bigger problem in the future.
Below are the following signs that you can take note to identify if you have a septic tank problem. Issues with the septic tank can be really messy and expensive but if you can act fast and address the issue promptly, leading to a much bigger problem might be avoided.
- Gurgling sounds – Either after flushing the toilet or after using the faucet and you hear a strange gurgling sound right after that, indicates that you may have a problem in your septic system. Sometimes even if you are not using toilet or faucet you hear these strange gurgling sounds every now and then coming from your pipes.Your septic tank may be already full and needs immediate pumping to drain waste water to reset or problems may be coming somewhere else in your septic system. This needs to be checked and examined right away.
- Problems with flushing – If your toilet flushes to slow or water overflows, this might be a sign that your septic tank is full needs to be pump out which should not be an issue. However, if you try to use an auger or snake and still does not work – there might be a bigger problem that lies somewhere in the septic system. It could also be a clog somewhere in the septic pipes.
- Water drains slow – When you are using your sink, shower and tub and you notice that water drains too slow, the problem may be somewhere in the pipes. There might be a clog somewhere that needs to be located the professionals. However, this could also be an indication of a problem coming from your septic system.
- Water backups – If water backs up when flushing your toilet or when you use your sink, bathtub, dishwasher or washing machine or if the sewage water has backed up into your home, this can be a huge indication of a septic system that is failing.You need to act fast and insect what’s causing it before it’s too late. As mentioned earlier, problems with the septic tank can be really messy and expensive. So, seeing early indications and acting fast will save you a lot of time and money.
- Disgusting odors – Have you been smelling disgusting odors that comes out of your toilet, tubs and drains? It can be another vital sign that your septic tank is either full or you have a blockage in your septic system so the odor comes out of the drains.Have you tried going around your house and go closer where the septic tank is located underground and you just notice that the odor just gets worse and worse? Well that is toxic sulfur that you have been smelling and there is a possibility that the raw sewage found its way out of the tank. Your septic tank might be damaged or cracked. Either way, this needs immediate attention to avoid bigger problems.
- Healthier grass – Check and go around your lawn. Inspect where your septic tank is buried and if you notice that the grass is greener and healthier in that area, or the grass really grows faster and taller than the others, it is a sign that the grass roots are enjoying and benefiting from the waste water as their fertilizer that they absorb. This means that the septic tank has a crack and is leaking or spilling.
- Puddles of water – If you notice puddles or water in your yard near the drain field, it might be a sign that there is something wrong with the septic system. Water accumulates at the drain filed and this could be really hazardous to you and your family’s health.Remember, it is toxic water and the odor that comes along with it could really harm people in your family including pets. They can get sick. This needs to be addressed immediately to avoid health problems.
The “Don’ts” to Keep Your Septic Tank in Good Condition
If you make a mistake and allow contaminants to go down your sewers and drains it can definitely harm your septic tank. Fats and grease can cause huge problems over time.
This will also require more septic tank pumping frequency. Remember that your septic tank can last a lifetime if you only take good care of it properly.
Do not abuse your septic system, know what to use for maintaining and cleaning your toilet, have your septic tank pumped when already needed and use chemicals that contain enzymes to help good bacteria for decomposing solid wastes.
- Cooked or raw meat – Don’t ever flush or dispose raw or cooked meat through your toilet or garbage disposal or in any way because this will go straight to the septic tank and always bear in mind that meat is never good bacteria and this cannot be beneficial.
- Fat and grease – Never flush down any kinds of oil, grease or even fat whether is solid or liquid to your toilet. This will accumulate over time in the septic system and eventually hardenand may lead to bigger problems in the future. This may lead to clogging your septic system once grease and oil get hard and may eventually lead to waste water overflows and backups.
- Non-biodegradable materials – Do not flush down your toilet materials that can clog the toilet drains. This may lead to waste water back up and can clog your tank and drain field.Worst of all, this might drill a hole in your pocket if it requires you to hire professionals to unclog your tank.Such items are: baby wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, dental floss, cigarette butts, napkins and other feminine products, paper towels, condoms etc.
- Toilet and drain cleaners –Strong toilet and drain cleaners contain harmful ingredients that can hurt the good bacteria that breaks down solid wastes and grease. Sometimes, even using toilet cleaners naturally can harm your septic system if it too much. Too much use of borax and vinegar can cause problems, so minimal usage is the key.Drain cleaners contain sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. When these chemicals are used in huge amounts, they can cause corrosions and damage the septic pipes and can also kill helpful bacteria in the entire septic system.
- Paint & other liquid remodeling products –Never make a mistake of ditching liquid remodeling products in your toilet, septic tank or in your sink if this is connected to the septic system. Paint, varnish, wood stains, paint thinner or even termite or any pest solutions must never go down the septic drain as this will kill good bacteria and contaminate the groundwater.

Why Do You Need to Maintain Your Septic System?
- Saves money – By having regular and proper maintenance to your septic system can save you a lot of money. Paying maintenance fees of two hundred to five hundred dollars every 3 to 5 years depending on the size of your septic tank and the number of the people in your family is a steal!Compared to the price of repairs and a septic tank installation when you need a replacement, which can shoot up to three thousand dollars to seven thousand dollars or even more, maintenance fees are very reasonable.
- Property value – If your septic tank does not work properly or it cannot be used at all, this can decrease your property’s value. Above all, this can potentially pose a very steep legal liability and no one wants to be in this position. So, having a well-maintained and well-functioning septic system is a must in every household to maintain and protect your property value.
- Keeps people healthy – Health should always be our first priority. Waste water contains bacteria and virus that have huge levels of phosphorus and nitrogen which can cause diseases.
If the septic tank isn’t properly maintained, then this can contaminate the groundwater which can really harm humans and animals that will be exposed to it.This can spread different kinds of infectious diseases such as: skin infections, eye and ear infections, hepatitis, gastrointestinal sickness and also lung infections. - Good for environment – Take note that more than 4 billion gallons of waste water are ditched below the ground every single day.If ground water is contaminated by the waste water that is poorly maintained, this can be very dangerous to the environment.
Bear in mind that waste water contains disease-causing bacteria and will pose a threat to humans and animals that can inhale the toxic sulfur that comes along with it or worse, anyone who will ingest it. So, keeping the septic system well-maintained will assure your family’s safety and your neighbor’s as well.

7 Vital Tips in Cleaning Your Septic Tank the Natural Way
Your septic tank plays a huge role in your household. Your plumbing system won’t be complete without it.
Where do you think all the waste water goes when you flush down the toilet? Have you ever thought of it? Septic tank maintenance is easy, if you only understand how it works. All that waste water that you flush down your toilet goes down the septic tank.
A septic tank is usually built underground to collect sewage. It’s a tank with filter that separates solids and scum. The septic preheats waste water and allows to decompose through bacterial activity. This process takes one to two days before it flows out the drain field as the final step. So, just follow these important steps below to keep your septic tank always in a good working condition.
- Know your septic tank – As mentioned earlier above, a septic tank separates the solid waste below and the scum at the surface. The excess fluid then exits the drain field as the final purification. This is because of either the gravity or the septic pump.
If the septic system has a filter and this is usually located in the outlet tee, you must learn how to maintain and clean it. Also, if the pump system has an alarm, you need to test the alarm every now and then to see if it functions well. Bear in mind, that bacteria dissolves solids in your septic tank but they still need to be injected out of the system on a regular basis.
- Conserve water – As mentioned earlier, the septic tank separates the solid and the scum and it sends the extra fluid out in the drain field. This process repeats regularly. However, the septic can only handle so much water at a time. Too much water disposal may lead to water back up or odor coming out of your toilets and tubs.
You need to take it easy when using water so that the intake and disposal of water in your septic tank is regulated. Consider checking your toilet or faucets for any leaks and if there are, you need to address it quickly before it gets worse. If possible, install a toilet that can economize flushing by using minimal water. Do not wash huge loads of laundry in one day. You need to spread out days when washing your laundry to give time for the septic to reset.
- Protect Your tank – You need to protect your septic tank and be sure that you are not placing something heavy on top of your tank. Heavy things such as:vehicles, sacks of rice or gravel, or any heavy machinery or equipment.
Bear in mind that putting heavy stuff over the tank or the drain field can damage the pipes, walls or foundation of your septic tank and this can absolutely compromise your property as well.
- Maintain regularly – Having your septic tank pump out on a regular basis will ensure your tank’sgood condition.The frequency of the pumping though varies depending on the size of your septic tank or how many people are living in the house.You also have to consider if your garbage disposal is connected to your septic tank. If so, having your septic tank cleaned will have to be more frequent than the usual.
You need to be aware also of your tank’s surrounding. If you have nearby trees, especially if they’re old, you might need to check and investigate if there are growing roots around your septic tank. Tree roots that are growing near drain fields can definitely damage pipes and the tank itself.
- Use light solutions for cleaning – Never use chemicals that have bleach when cleaning your toilets because this will kill the bacteria that helps decompose waste solids in your septic tank. You can use light toilet cleaning chemicals instead or better yet, baking soda and vinegar for the most natural way.
First you need to apply one fourth cup of baking soda around the toilet bowl rim. Then, pour one fourth cup of vinegar where you have applied the baking soda and let if foam for a little while. After which, you can already clean it with a toilet brush and rinse down with clean water then flush.
- Apply baking yeast – It is always a smart idea to consider taking care of the bacteria that breaks down solid waste in your septic tank.So, be mindful of what you flush down your toilet.Remember, yeast helps the bacteria to stay alive and the bacteria is main reason why the solid wastes are decomposed in the septic tank. Yeast is a septic tank activator.
Yeast contain enzymes that break down solid waste and grease.First, just flush down one and a half cup of baking yeast into the toilet. Then you need to maintain it and pour one fourth cup of baking yeast down the toilet every four months after the first application.
- Feed over-ripe tomatoes – It may sound silly for many but other people are doing it believe it or not. Over-ripe or rotten tomatoes contain beneficial bacteria or enzymes that helps break down solid wastes in the septic tank. The goal for using fermented tomatoes to maintain the septic tanks balance.
Feed your toilet with a three to four over-ripe or rotten tomatoes if you do not have a garbage disposal. You slice the tomatoes into small pieces or put them in a blender to liquefy them. It’s quite dangerous if you are not sure with the size of the tomatoes when you cut them because the pieces might still be too big to go through the base of the toilet.
Why Do You Need to Hire Professionals to Maintain Your Septic System?
Maintaining your septic tank naturally is probably the most practical and economical way to save time and money.
However, there are situations that can be very intricate for a person that does not have any plumbing experience. Pumping out waste water for instance when your tank is already full or when you need to escalate the inspecting and find out where the malfunctioning is coming from – These things should be done by experienced contractors only.
Well, who else would that be? That is of course the most trusted and most experienced plumbing company you can find, Plumbers 911!
All our plumbers have more than ten thousand hours of intensive training and pride ourselves by being very courteous and transparent with the cost. You can definitely trust our plumbing contractors with your property. The plumbers that will be dispatched are highly trained and schooled, so rest-assured that all our services will be rendered in good and high quality.
We are bonded, licensed and insured! You don’t have to worry about a fly by night plumbing company. We are backed by high-end equipment and top of the line tools which will help all our licensed plumbers do their jobs efficiently and effectively.
So, the next time you need professional plumbers to help you with all your plumbing issues, whether it’s big or small, call the best septic tank contractors from Plumbers 911, Illinois and let us handle your septic tank issuesfor you. Remember, we are just one click away and we will surely flush all your plumbing worries down the drain.